3 natural ways to keep your plants healthy – With 64% of British people finding growing plants therapeutic to watch, Spring...
Join the Windowsill Revolution – Mr. Fothergill’s on a mission to prove that anyone can grow herbs and vegetables. The joys...
Lawn Association – UK grasses, all you need to know – The Lawn Association team has always advised keeping to the use...
STIGA Cordless Shredder Leaf Blower – After the winter season of garden calm and tranquillity, I can now see a raft...
VIVA La Gardening with Magenta Hues! – The Burpee Europe team are tickled pink (well pinkish-purplish-red) to see that the Pantone...
How do garden birds stay warm during a freezing cold night? CJ Wildlife is asking the public to consider their garden...
Lawn Association & LANDSCAPE say NO to fake turf – I do have a natural lawn at home. It may not be the...
When Autumn Calls – When autumn comes calling, Mountfield come cutting, blowing, sucking, strimming and shredding! Leaves and debris on lawns can offer...
7 Expert Tips to Protect Garden Wildlife – The most common animals you’ll find scurrying about in the coming autumn nights...
Make Your Garden Wildlife-Friendly – Bromford, the developers behind the award-winning Park Gardens retirement development in Banbury has worked with local conservation charity, the...
Garden Designs for Each Zodiac Sign – After the heat of the summer months and hopefully a well-used garden, many of...
Community Gardening Brings Joy to Neighbours – Research reveals that community gardening and litter picking brings joy to our neighbourhoods, as...