3 natural ways to keep your plants healthy – With 64% of British people finding growing plants therapeutic to watch, Spring...
7 Expert Tips to Protect Garden Wildlife – The most common animals you’ll find scurrying about in the coming autumn nights...
A Flutter of Fun this Summer. How to create a haven for colourful wings. There’s nothing more delightful than spotting...
Affordable Ideas to Transform Your Garden – Having a beautiful garden that everyone who comes over envies is the dream...
Backdoorshoes®: A Journey of British Brilliance and Comfort – In a world of gift-giving, it’s easy to get stuck. But...
Community Gardening Brings Joy to Neighbours – Research reveals that community gardening and litter picking brings joy to our neighbourhoods, as...
How do garden birds stay warm during a freezing cold night? CJ Wildlife is asking the public to consider their garden...
Create a garden buzzing with bees, bugs and butterflies! – The latest State of Nature report revealed that shockingly, two out of...
Create a Haven for Marvellous Minibeasts – In the magical world just outside of the doorstep, tiny creatures’ flit, crawl...
Garden Designs for Each Zodiac Sign – After the heat of the summer months and hopefully a well-used garden, many of...
HTA Offers Guidance for Growers, Gardeners, and Wildlife During Spells of Hot, Dry Weather – Following the official confirmation by...
Get Your Garden Growing: 5 Top Tips for Composting Success. As the excitement of springtime fills the air, it’s time...