Tips for Your Eco Garden in September – This is generally a cooler, gustier month than August, with days noticeably...
Fill Your Garden With Fragrance – Embrace the full sensory appeal of flowers in your garden, including the most evocative...
Join the Windowsill Revolution – Mr. Fothergill’s on a mission to prove that anyone can grow herbs and vegetables. The joys...
Keep your garden hydrated this summer There is no denying that we are having a scorcher of a summer. With...
Lawn Association & LANDSCAPE say NO to fake turf – I do have a natural lawn at home. It may not be the...
The Beneficial Insect Community WomenTalking is getting involved with their own ‘Bug Hotel’ and inviting the local insects to settle...
Tips for your Eco Garden in January – In January, your garden may well need protection from frosts, gale-force winds,...
Tips for Your Eco Garden in May – With the bulbs fading and the herbaceous border overflowing it’s clear that...
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