Beat the supermarket blues with Burpee Europe!

Beat the supermarket blues with Burpee Europe!

Beat the supermarket blues with Burpee Europe! The rationing of tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, and other salad vegetables in supermarkets recently, has been mainly due to severe weather conditions in countries that grow these salad staples for the UK market.

With no end in sight to the changes we are seeing in weather patterns due to climate change, growing your own food has never been so important.  Add to that the fact that the quicker the harvest from plot to plate, the higher the vitamin content, and growing a crop of flavourful, nutrient-rich vegetables that strengthen your immune system and add vibrant hues to your outdoor area, is a no-brainer!

Colour is the key, as the tones of your vegetables reflect the different phytonutrients and antioxidants inside. That’s why multi-hued meals give you more health benefits and disease-fighting power than monochromatic ones.

The Burpee Europe team offer a rainbow array of brand-new salad veggies with which you can beat the supermarket blues!

Beat the supermarket blues with Burpee Europe!
Cucumber ‘Honey Plus’
What a sweet baby cue this is, with its smooth pale-green to white skin and crispy-crunchy, sweet-as-honey, golden-fleshed fruit!

It is highly productive with the plants yielding glossy 155-225g fruits in just 40 days. Great for fresh snacking, children’s packed lunch boxes, sandwiches, salads and pickling.

The Tomato Crush Family. Crimson Crush

This was developed in Yorkshire and tested at Bangor University for proven high levels of blight resistance alongside delicious flavour. Suitable for outdoor growing in most European climates from the UK to the Czech Republic.

Rose Crush

This was selected for its pink colour and outstandingly balanced flavour of umami, sweetness, and acidity. ‘Rose Crush’ is highly blight-resistant and produces a good yield of medium-large beefsteak fruit.

Cocktail Crush

Is the smaller-fruited and sweeter sister line to ‘Crimson Crush’, with a complex tangy finish when eaten. A blight-resistant ‘Ailsa Craig’ if you will— the classic salad tomato with great flavour.

Tomato ‘Honeycomb’

With a high Brix level combined with a superb aroma, ‘Honeycomb’ has a sweetness which lingers on your tongue, with a delicious lasting aftertaste of honey! It is an exquisite golden orange variety, with cherry-sized fruit which are elegantly arranged along long trusses.

Pepper ‘Lemon Dream’

This very compact pepper is suitable for growing in 5 Litre pots on a sunny patio or any sheltered position, preferably close to a wall facing south. The plants produce masses of small bright yellow peppers all summer long which are sweet but with a hint of spiciness. The fruits are ideal for snacking, stuffing and grilling on the barbecue.

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Lilly Light

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