Why Substance Abuse Is a Cry for Help

Why Substance Abuse Is a Cry for Help

Why Substance Abuse Is a Cry for Help – Many people don’t recognise the signs of addiction in a loved one. They attribute the unusual behaviour to other causes. Knowing these signs is important, however, as the addiction is a cry for help. Furthermore, treatment can only begin when a person knows there is an issue. What should every individual know about substance abuse today?

Common Signs of Addiction

When a person cannot stay away from alcohol or drugs, they have become dependent on the substance of choice. They begin using this substance more often and take risks to get it. If they are unable to, they may show signs of withdrawal.

Often, substance use leads to changes in their behaviour. For example, they may neglect their responsibilities and put less effort into things. Their relationships might suffer and they could become isolated and secretive.

Changes in a person’s physical appearance might be due to substance abuse. They may not take care of their basic hygiene. In addition, their behavior might deteriorate in other ways. They need meth rehab or rehab for their drug of choice to get back on track.

What Puts a Person at Risk of Addiction?

Many things put a person at higher risk of becoming addicted to drugs or alcohol. Genetics and a family history of substance abuse are both risk factors, as is a person’s age. The younger a person is when they start using the substance, the higher the odds of them becoming addicted.

When a person has mental health issues, they are more likely to turn to drugs and alcohol. If their friends and family use drugs or alcohol, they feel comfortable doing so, which can lead to an addiction. Stress also plays a role in a person’s risk level when it comes to substance abuse. Furthermore, the choice of drug may put a person more at risk of becoming addicted.

What Might a Person Become Addicted To?

Drugs and alcohol are the first things that come to mind when a person thinks of addiction. However, humans can be addicted to many other things. Tiger Woods was treated for a sex addiction, and some gamblers find they cannot stop once they start betting. A person can be addicted to nicotine or alcohol, and some men and women cannot stop getting plastic surgery. They have an addiction to these procedures.

What Should You Do if a Loved One Has an Addiction?

When a loved one is struggling with an addiction, talk to them. Ask them to seek help. At the same time, don’t blame yourself for their behaviour. Never put yourself in harm’s way either.

However, don’t throw away their substance of choice or use with them. Furthermore, avoid arguing with them when they have been using the substance. Making them feel worthless won’t be of help in this situation, and you should not bribe or lecture them. Doing so will not help.

Set Up an Intervention

An intervention may be of help when dealing with an addict. Work with an intervention specialist during this process for the best results. Create a plan for this meeting and practice what will be said to the addict. Finally, prepare for any reaction. You may need to call authorities if the addict gets out of control.

What Happens Next?

When an addict goes into treatment at a facility, they will move through the admission process. This process includes an assessment so a treatment plan can be developed. Detoxification is the first set in overcoming the addiction, and the person will take part in inpatient treatment. Once this part of the treatment plan is complete, they may move on to partial hospitalisation or head straight to an intensive outpatient program. It depends on their needs.

As the recovery process progresses, the addict will enter an aftercare program. They may transition to a sober living home for a period before returning to their normal life. When they do so, they should take part in support groups to maintain their sobriety.

Overcoming an addiction isn’t easy. However, it can be done with the right care. Seek help for your loved one today. Doing so will improve their quality of life in every way.

Poppy Watt

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