Don’t Succumb to Addiction or Your Personality Will Change in These 5 Ways – Turning to, or back to, drugs or alcohol can be tempting at times. What those with addiction may not realise, though, is just how much their problem can affect them, even after just a short period of time. While everyone can be affected differently, the effects a person may experience can be destructive.
Speaking of the effects of addiction, did you know that substance abuse can trigger the following personality changes?
- Risk-Taking
As addiction takes a toll, an increase in risky behaviours is not uncommon. When drunk or high, one might be more likely to engage in unsafe actions like reckless driving or physical violence. And when money is tight, someone with addiction may be tempted to steal money, take others’ belongings to resell, or lie about why they need to borrow money in order to afford their next fix.
- Anger
Addiction and anger tend to play hand and hand, in some people more than others. Anger and aggression can be triggered by the substance itself or from withdrawals. While a change in neurotransmitters is typically to blame for this, anger in substance use disorder can also come about due to underlying, suppressed stress or frustrations in their general life.
- Mood Swings
A change in mood doesn’t just occur while someone is currently “on” a substance. As certain chemicals in the brain ebb and flow, mood swings are common after one is coming off said substance or even while facing withdrawals. It can take a while for the brain to rebalance.
Those dealing with substance use disorder may find themselves in a euphoric state one minute, then feeling irritated or depressed the next.
- Poor Memory
Not only can memory loss occur while someone is high or drunk, but poor memory can be a long-term effect struggle one might suffer from when dealing with substance use disorder. Alcohol and drugs can impact all areas of the brain, including the areas of the brain responsible for memory formation and retrieval.
Forgetfulness can not only be inconvenient, but it can also pose issues in various parts of one’s life. Memory problems can negatively impact relationships, work, and school, for instance.
- Depression & Anxiety
It’s no secret that substance use can alter our neurotransmitters. Whether a night after one use of drugs or alcohol or a full-blown addiction, bouts of depression and/or anxiety are not uncommon occurrences as aftermath. What is more, one does not have to have a history or genetic predisposition of mental illness to experience these aftereffects of substance use.
Are you suffering from the wrath of addiction? It might be time to opt for professional help. Check out the benefits of medication-assisted treatment to see if it might be right for you.
Using drugs or drinking alcohol can do so much more than give you that “high,” buzz, or drunk feeling you’ve been craving. Not only can substance abuse be hard on the body, but it can also trigger personality changes. Ultimately, an addiction can alter you for the worst in multiple ways, making it imperative to get help as soon as possible.
Poppy Watt