Capital markets: what are they and how do they relate to lawyers? – A capital market is a setting where businesses seek out investors. The business will be looking for a cash injection, while the investor will be looking for a business where they can grow their initial investment. But where do lawyers come into this? Below, we explore capital markets and how they relate to lawyers.
Why do you need a capital markets lawyer?
The relationship between business and investor can be organised in many different ways. As such, lawyers are integral to advising on the laws and regulations that surround these transactions. If you’re looking to make an equity or debt capital market transaction, it can be well worth seeking advice from experienced capital markets lawyers to secure the insights needed to grow your business.
Qualifications and experience of a capital markets lawyer
For a start, you’ll need the academic qualifications to give you a foundation in law. This can either take the form of a law degree or a law conversion course (GDL). From there, you’ll need to gather experience in the industry before applying for graduate jobs.
How does their work interact with other law practices?
As a capital markets lawyer, you’ll also be interacting with other law practices. Large transactions have many different moving parts – managing everything requires expertise and experience from many different sources. As such, you’ll encounter other lawyers and bankers from bankruptcy, capital markets, leveraged finance and real estate amongst others during your work.
What are the top qualities of a capital markets lawyer?
For a start, a capital markets lawyer should have a sound economic and business grounding. The best capital markets lawyers understand the goals and aims of the businesses they represent, allowing them to strategize accordingly. On top of this, in this profession, you’ll need to be creative. Each transaction is a different puzzle with different interests – it can take creativity to find the best solution. What’s more, being good with people is important too. During these deals you’ll be navigating all sorts of different interests to find the best deal – this is only possible by keeping all parties onside.
Capital markets lawyers can help ensure that any transaction works smoothly between the investor and the business. By getting the advice of experienced professionals you can have peace of mind that your next deal will work for you.
Poppy Watt