7 Signs That Your Dog Has Joint Pain and What to Do If They Do – Stiff joints are very common in dogs as they get older. Although some breeds are more prone to it, almost all dog breeds suffer from stiff joints. Stiff joints cause a lot of pain in dogs and this can seriously affect their quality of life. Stiffness can occur in any joint, with the hips, elbows, shoulders, and knees most susceptible. To ensure you get your pet the help it needs as soon as possible, it is important to know what to look out for to know if they have joint pain. Here are the signs you should look out for.
Reluctance to Move
One of the most common sins for stiff joints in dogs is a reluctance to move or do things they used to love. For example, if your pet no longer loves rushing to the car when you come home or avoids going up and down the stairs, they may be experiencing some pain. Also, try to see if your dog lags behind when you take them on walks or a jog.
If your dog is experiencing pain, it may start limping. The limp may be more pronounced and noticeable when they stand up or wake up from a slumber and many go away once they have moved around a bit.
If your dog is in pain, it will become more irritable. They will be much more likely to bite or snipe at someone especially when they touch an area where there is inflammation or pain.
In addition to a reluctance to move, your dog may prefer to rest or sleep if they are experiencing pain. They may also opt for shorter walks, which can lead to weight gain and more pain, which in turn will put pressure on the joints and increase their pain levels.

Behavioural Changes
If your dog is experiencing pain, it may not want to be bothered. They may decide to spend time alone or not follow you around. They may also lose interest in exercising, which will be easier to notice if you have a set time for walks or exercise. Additionally, they may start exhibiting signs of depression and loss of appetite.
Focus On One Area
Dogs experiencing pain due to stiff joints may pay a lot more attention to these areas. If you notice them chewing, licking, or biting around a joint, there may be an issue there. Also, you may notice fur loss and inflammation of the skin around the areas they are focusing on.
Touch Rejection
Inflamed or stiff joints can cause your pet to become sensitive around the affected area. Because of this, they may not want to be touched or petted around these areas. They may also cry out in pain if you touch these areas. So, if there is one area that your dog doesn’t want you to touch, that may be where the problem lies.
Remedies That Can Help
Although there is no cure for stiff joints in dogs, there are a few things you can do to ease pain, reduce the symptoms, and improve mobility. One thing to note is that the earlier you intervene, the better the outcome will be.
Pain management is one of the remedies that can help. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are a great option in this case as they can help reduce pain and inflammation.
Helping your dog maintain a healthy weight also helps because excess weight puts extra stress and pressure on the joints. Shedding the extra weight can be done through exercise or adjusting your pet’s diet.
Pets with arthritis and other conditions that can cause stiff joints can benefit from supplements. Glucosamine supplements help with the tear and wear on the joint as well as help alleviate stiffness. Hyaluronic acid helps lubricate the joints while Omega 3 is great for stiff joints in dogs.
The ideal supplements should contain these and more ingredients. YuMOVE has joint supplements designed specifically to help with stiff joints in dogs. These contain manganese, Omega 3 oils, hyaluronic acid, glucosamine, and chondroitin. All of these ingredients work together to help soothe stiffness, improve lubrication, support joint health, and promote mobility. YuMOVE’s supplements have been shown to work in 6 weeks.
Surgical Options
If the above remedies and interventions do not work, surgery can be an option. Since it comes with risks and complications, surgery should only be used if everything else fails. Additionally, it is important to talk to your veterinarian to see if surgical intervention is the best option or if there is another option that you may not have considered.
Although still joints in dogs are very common, there is something you can do to prolong their onset or take care of them when they occur. Staying vigilant and learning to identify if your dog is in pain is important. Equally important is intervening to lessen the pain and repair the damage from prolonged joint stiffness.
Poppy Watt