Preparing Your Household for the Arrival of a First Child – The arrival of your first child is a defining life event. In the months leading up to the birth, it can seem like a whirlwind. Unfortunately, this will only get worse in the first few months after your baby’s arrival. However, there are a few things you can put in place to prepare yourself and the household. Read on as we break down how to prepare the household for your first child.
Limit External Distractions and Responsibilities
The biggest external distraction you will have is probably going to be work. If you have a job with plenty of additional responsibilities, you may want to limit these for a time. Life can be very different when your first child comes. Even if you are adamant you will carry on as normal, this feeling may change once a baby turns up.
If you have any second jobs or side hustles, you may want to consider closing these or selling off the business. The chances are that you will be unable to continue these due to time constraints unless you have a big support network. Selling off rental properties you own is a good idea. This relinquishes some financial responsibility but can also provide a lump of cash for your new arrival and anything you may need to buy. Modern estate agents like Sold provide a variety of options. This can include quick turnaround cash offers or more traditional high street estate agent methods.
Get Ahead on Baby Proofing
While the baby may not be mobile for the first few months, crawling will come around quickly. Infants are naturally inquisitive, and that should be nurtured. However, it does mean you have to be on the ball when it comes to baby proofing the family home. It is also better to do this way in advance before the baby arrives.
Start by placing chemicals like household cleaning products and medications in elevated cupboards. If you can only put them at floor level, then magnetic locks are an easy fix. You should be able to pick these up from most hardware stores like B&Q and will be able to affix them easily. Other easy fixes include safeguards for plug sockets. You may need fireguards and corner protectors for the edges of bookshelves and coffee tables.
Make Space for Baby
Despite being tiny, babies tend to take up a lot of space. Begin by clearing a small section of the refrigerator and cupboard for their food. Even if you are expressing, you will need places to store it.
Another good idea is to create two bags. One of these is for when you go out. Keep it near the door, ready to grab whenever you leave, or place it in a pushchair. The second should be in the living room and contain everything you need to hand, like Sudocrem and Pampers nappies. Make sure you also keep a spare T-shirt for yourself in case of accidents.
Once you have this in place, there is not much else you can do. Relax and enjoy the first few weeks with your new child. It is time you will never have again, so prepare, then cherish it when it comes.
Poppy Watt