How to Get Your Pre-Pregnancy Body Back

How to Get Your Pre-Pregnancy Body Back

How to Get Your Pre-Pregnancy Body Back – Pregnancy is a beautiful and transformative experience. While you’ll have some tough times during the journey, there’s nothing quite like it. Holding your baby for the first time, your heart will fill with love. Mommies also hardly have time to scratch their heads after the birth of their little ones. Of course, your priorities will change after pregnancy. There’s a tiny beating heart that needs all your attention. However, there is something that many mommies worry about soon after the birth of their child, and that is their bodies. How to get a pre-pregnancy body back is something they search for on the internet quite a lot.

Aware of Your Post-Pregnancy Feelings

Now, you should know that many women feel the pressure to lose the baby weight right after childbirth. Many surveys show that it’s the celebs that make them feel this way the most. Many women also feel hopeless, believing that there’s no way that they’ll ever get their pre-baby body back. At this point, you should know that you’re not the first or last one who feels that way. This is a process, and you should give time to yourself.

Consider Your Health 

One study by the World Health Organization (WHO) found that 1,743 mothers from different countries lost an average of 10.4 pounds two weeks to two years after childbirth. You certainly shouldn’t be too hard on yourself. While trying to lose your baby weight, do not forget that you need to be at your full strength to care for yourself and your baby. Do not crash diet at any cost. You need to eat well so that your body can heal. 

Wait Enough for The Diet and Exercise

You must be very careful about trying to lose weight soon after giving birth as it might be dangerous for your health. Good diet and exercise are key here. However, before you start exercising and adopt any diet, it’s wise to consult your doctor who knows the best for you. Your doctor can tell you when the best time is to start exercising and diet. Your baby and the nutrition it needs to take should be your priority. 

Remember There is Always a Solution

After pregnancy, it’s important to be aware that it will take you some time to lose weight. However, losing weight is not an easy path. Different responsibilities may draw you back from diets and/or exercises. At this point, mommy makeover surgeries that include breast surgery, liposuction and tummy tuck procedures can help boost your confidence and gain your pre-pregnancy back.

Mommy Makeover: Your Surgical Option

After pregnancy, your breasts might sag and wrinkle. It is possible that after breastfeeding, your breasts return to their original size. However, they may remain large or become smaller. Here, breast surgeries can help you to improve the appearance of your breasts. Depending on your needs and wishes, breast uplift, augmentation or reduction surgeries can be performed. If you wonder, you can even breastfeed after having breast augmentation surgery. So, you don’t have to worry about this if you’re planning to have another baby. 

Liposuction is an important part of mummy makeover surgeries. This surgery can be performed on any area of the body where there are stubborn fat pockets. The tummy, love handles, and back is where liposuction commonly takes place. But it can also be performed in the inner and outer thighs, arms, and chin. During pregnancy, you can gain weight in different areas of the body. With liposuction, you can get the excess fat removed.

Lastly, the skin around your tummy can sag after pregnancy. The extra fluids that build up in your body during pregnancy and fat will take some time to go away. However, even after doing everything, if your tummy remains round and squishy, you can consider tummy tuck surgery that can even improve the appearance of the stretch marks. The tightening and removal of excess skin both occur in this procedure. If you’ve had a c-section, then the surgeon can perform the tummy tuck surgery through the same incision. 

Concluding Remarks 

It is not easy to lose weight when you’re trying to juggle different responsibilities in your life. Diets and exercises are the natural way to lose your pregnancy weight, but this may not be possible when you cannot find the time to look after your body. This does not mean that you stop yearning for your pre-baby body. Even exercise and a good diet may not help you achieve your ideal weight. Therefore, you can consider a mommy makeover to get your self-confidence back.

Poppy Watt

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