Backdoorshoes®: A Journey of British Brilliance and Comfort

Backdoorshoes®: A Journey of British Brilliance and Comfort

Backdoorshoes®: A Journey of British Brilliance and Comfort – In a world of gift-giving, it’s easy to get stuck. But there’s a British brand that’s making life just a little bit easier, brighter, and—most importantly—drier! Enter Backdoorshoes®, the fun and practical clog that you never knew you needed. Specialising in funky designs, these lightweight, waterproof clogs are perfect for garden jaunts or a quick trip outside. Whether you’re buying for your mum, nan, sister, aunt, or wife, they offer the perfect gift that combines comfort with a splash of personality.

Backdoorshoes®: A Journey of British Brilliance and Comfort

A Journey That Started with Soggy Socks

Backdoorshoes® wasn’t born out of a grand corporate meeting or high-end fashion brainstorming session. Instead, it all started with something far more relatable—soggy socks. Established in 2007 by Stephen Avery, the idea sprouted from his own daily struggle of wet socks and muddy carpets.

Like many of us, Stephen and his family spent plenty of time rushing in and out of the garden, leaving a trail of muddy prints and damp patches on the carpets. The solution was surprisingly simple: a pair of shoes that could easily slip on and off at the back door. But finding the perfect footwear proved more challenging than anticipated. Boots were too bulky, and regular shoes were far from waterproof. The answer? A new, innovative pair of clogs—lightweight, waterproof, and easy to wear.

The Birth of Backdoorshoes® 

After moving back from the sunny island of Mallorca to Bournemouth, Stephen set up a makeshift office in a wooden garden hut. The rush between house and garden only added to the soggy sock dilemma. Stephen borrowed a pair of medical clogs from a friend, but they were heavy and uncomfortable, even though they solved the wet-foot problem. Inspired to create something better, Stephen and his wife spent two years developing prototypes, eventually perfecting the comfortable, quirky Backdoorshoes® we know today.

Their idea was simple: create shoes that are waterproof, easy to slip on and off, and, above all, fun! In 2007, the couple took the bold step of launching their shoes at BBC Gardeners’ World Live in Birmingham, where they introduced the world to four original patterns: tomatoes, mixed vegetables, strawberries, and chilies. The reception? Outstanding!

Backdoorshoes®: A Journey of British Brilliance and Comfort

Patterns That Make You Smile

One of the things that makes these shoes so special is their unique designs. Whether it’s vibrant fruit, butterflies, or florals, these clogs bring a touch of whimsy to everyday life. Women Talking tried the chicken design and once you slip them on it’s not just their quirkiness that brings a smile to your face but the comfort and practicality too.

Today, their unique styles have expanded beyond garden enthusiasts. Veterinary nurses, dentists, builders, hairdressers, and even fishermen wear them for work. With each new pattern and product, the brand opens doors to new customer appeal.

Where Next?

The journey continues for this innovative British brand. With a passion for new patterns and a dedication to comfort, they show no signs of slowing down. Their range now includes Supersole Recovery Flip Flops – perfect for Summer or even used as slippers for those suffering with foot pain. Their designers are also working on some fabulous new designs which will be launched next year!

So, if you’re stuck for a gift idea or just looking for something to make life a little easier (and drier!), we feel this is the gift that everyone will use but never knew they needed.

Lilly Light

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