Top Ways to Keep Your Build on Schedule
Are you taking on a construction project soon? Click here for some tips to help you keep your build on schedule; one of the most difficult parts of the build.
Whether it is for a commercial project or for your own personal property, it is extremely important that you manage to keep your build on time. From issues with money to strict deadlines in other areas, you will have set out a timeline which needs to be followed by both you and your construction team. Here are some top tips for making sure that your build stays on schedule.
Make Sure the Construction Team Understand the Deadline
Many projects fail due to poor communication and time management. However, with something as important as a build you need to make sure that that can’t be allowed to happen. Before the build even begins, have a meeting with your architect, your foreman, and your site manager. Make sure that they understand the timeline you wish to follow and ask for their professional opinion as to whether or not is it realistic.
They will be able to assess the project and let you know whether or not they think a more realistic timeline needs to be adopted instead. Listen to them carefully and make sure you take their advice on board; a mistake at a later date could prove to be incredibly costly for you.
Use Quick Techniques
There are many quick building techniques out there which can be installed in a much shorter timeframe than some of their counterparts whilst not compromising on cost or quality. For example, you could choose to use interlocking retaining wall blocks if you need to install a retaining wall as part of your build. This can be made off-site and brought to you when ready instead of trying to construct the wall there, piece by piece.
Little changes like this can make a massive difference on the schedule. If you choose a technique which would only take a few days instead of an entire week, the team will be able to move onto something else much faster.
Create a Contingency Plan
No matter how much we plan, there is still a chance that things will go wrong. This can be very bad for both commercial and residential ventures. A business might be left unable to operate until the new building is complete and a family might be stuck without a proper home. Therefore, it is very important that a contingency plan is put in place just in case something unforeseen occurs.
Craft contingency plans for as many minor problems that you can think of and have regular meetings to assess what is happening on site. The more proactive you can be about preventing issues, the easier you will find it to deal with them when they do occur.
Trying to keep a build on track cannot always be the easiest of tasks. However, if you are willing to put in the work to ensure that you know what is happening with the build at all times, you will hopefully be able to prevent or lessen the blow incidents might have upon the schedule. Approach your project sensibly and you hopefully won’t have any issues.
Poppy Watt