Top Skills Needed to Work as a Counsellor

Top Skills Needed to Work as a Counsellor

Top Skills Needed to Work as a Counsellor – Have you decided that the perfect career path for you is one where you can feel as though you’re making a positive difference in the life of others? Do you want your career to be something you feel passionate and proud about, that really speaks to you on a personal level? It’s exactly these goals that push so many people into the field of counselling each and every year. The idea that you are working towards a greater good, giving back to society, and helping people can be incredibly rewarding both on a professional and personal level.

But before you jump in with both feet, you may be interested to learn about the top skills that successful counsellors tend to have. It will give you a way to gauge where you’re at skill level wise and point out the areas you need to focus on.

The Desire to Learn

First off, you need to be willing to put in the hard work in terms of your own schooling. As a counsellor, you will need to have plenty of years’ worth of school under your belt in order to receive your required credentials and designations. The University Compare website is a fabulous tool for those looking to compare counselling courses. You’ll instantly be able to look at a broad list of available courses, read up on each one, and then come to a decision that works best for you in terms of which school is right.

Outside of comparing counselling courses, you can also view university rankings, and even information on the actual schools and what they are known for.

Excellent Communication Skills

Perhaps one of the most notable skills you’ll need will be communication skills. This includes all forms of communication – speaking, listening, and writing. Your patients will rely on these exact skills in order for them to properly communicate to you, be heard, and feel confident in your abilities. 

The Ability to Show Empathy

It will also be extremely important for you to show empathy towards your clients. Keep in mind they will be coming to you for help during some of the hardest times of their life. You need to show that you have empathy so they feel comfortable and confident enough to open up and share.

The Ability to be Flexible and Adapt Quickly

As a counsellor, you’ll find your appointments don’t always play out exactly how you imagined or planned; in fact, you never quite know how things will go. This brings us to the next key skill which is the ability to be flexible and adapt in the moment. You need to be able to go where the appointment and moment takes you and your client without missing a beat.

Unlocking the Secrets to Success

By possessing these skills and abilities, you’ll be able to set yourself up for a rewarding and successful career in counselling. Remember, as a counsellor, no two days will be the same, nor will any of your experiences with your clients.

Poppy Watt

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