The Dyson Pure Cool Link Air Purifier

The Dyson Pure Cool Link Air Purifier

The Dyson Pure Cool Link Air Purifier is certainly not going to fit everyone’s budget but as a Wi-Fi-connected fan that cleans the air in your home, it is certainly worthy of consideration.

Using an array of intelligent sensors, a 360-degree HEPA filter, and a motor to monitor indoor air quality, the device automatically removes pollutants and blows out both hot and cold air. Not only does it clean the air it can warm or cool it depending on the time of year!

The fan can get noisy at high settings and it comes paired (unsurprisingly) with a versatile app that delivers information on the state of your room but can also control the fan as an alternative to the accompanying remote.

If you’re looking for a sleek, high-tech air purifier and cost isn’t a concern, the Dyson Pure Cool Link is an attractive option and aesthetically pleasing enough to suit any room. It’s an effective way to remove pollutants from the air in your home but is also a great heater and fan potentially making it a 365 day a year product.

Having trialled it for over a week now I’ve been impressed with the results and have certainly noticed the difference in the quality of the air around the house.  

George R Vaughan

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