Reflexology by Jayne Jayne Bennett is a Holistic Certified Reflexologist, Reiki Master, Aromatherapist and Primal Reflex Release Technique practitioner (PRRT) With...
Taking Care of Your Mental Health – With the recent lockdown and isolation restrictions in place, Mental Health issues have...
Your First Therapy Visit: Tips For An Engaging Experience – Seeking therapy marks an important step towards better mental health...
Are You a War Veteran Suffering from PTSD? Try These 10 Coping Strategies. Anyone can develop PTSD, but many war...
Laughter Keeps Your Healthy – Is there any better feeling than a deep-rooted belly laugh? Not only is laughter a strong...
10 Tips for Smart Uses of Alternative Medicine – An interesting aspect of modern society is that often times, the...
The Recipe to a Successful Relationship – A marriage is potentially a two-way, long term commitment. It is more than a...