Hair Parade with Centred – Honest Hair Wellness
Although outings are minimal at the moment, there is no excuse not to have a great head of hair on show. During the pandemic, we have lost the impact of luscious lips with the wearing of masks and face coverings, so the emphasis on your eyes and hair is paramount.
Women Talking has been introduced to Centred – an award-winning range of expert hair care products designed to completely nourish, strengthen and protect the hair and scalp from the inside out and the outside in.

Stressed, anxious and overwhelmed founder Laura Tudor found herself exhausted after working in the fashion industry for 10 years. In 2017 after a few particularly stressful months, she experienced first-hand the physical effects of stress on her body.
“My hair had started to dramatically fall out” quotes Laura. Married to award-winning hairstylist Kieran Tudor they started to research the causes and natural products to help find a solution for the problem. The information available was confusing and misleading and whilst looking for natural, vegan and cruelty-free hair products they struggled to find products that ticked all the relevant boxes.
The product range Laura has developed has enabled her to regrow her hair. Her scalp is now in better condition and her hair is healthier stronger, longer and thicker than it has ever been before. Through CENTRED Laura is now on a mission to help others achieve the same.
By responsibly sourcing premium ingredients and providing honest, straight-talking and supportive advice, Centred are providing a professionally developed haircare range that doesn’t cost the Earth.
Sustainability being one of their core values means they are constantly evolving their approach and looking for better solutions in packaging development and recycling, helping to reduce their impact on the environment even further.
In order to make a bigger difference, the company has committed to investing in the planet’s future by joining the ‘Work for Good’ initiative, donating 10% of their net profits to the climate charity, Friends of The Earth. Consequently, as the company grows, it can generate more funding for tackling the climate crisis.

Centred Detangling Hair Primer
Having recently had a perm and have colour on my hair I was intrigued to try the Centred Unwind – Detangling Hair Primer. RRP £18.00 which was a joy to use.
Getting a comb through my hair can be challenging, it often snags and creates breakage. The hair primer instantly resolved this problem. In a convenient spray bottle, the primer is a versatile, lightweight vitamin-enriched spritz to help hydrate and protect your hair before styling. Shine enhancing Glycerin helps to take the stress out of styling whilst ultra-fine conditioners help retain moisture.
Your hair can be an outward indication of the health of your entire body. Women Talking has some key tips on how to get healthy looking hair and keep it that way:
I – Choose the correct products for your hair and scalp. Centred have an online hair quiz to help you quickly make this assessment just by answering a few simple questions online.
2. If your scalp or hair conditions change be sure to reassess your hair care products accordingly.
3. Eat a healthy diet – A well-rounded diet is an important factor in hair and scalp health. Hair is primarily made up of protein, so be sure to eat at least 45 grams of protein daily.
3. Zinc deficiency can cause hair to shed. Incorporate, fruit, vegetables and nuts like Brazil nuts, walnuts, pecans, cashews, and almonds into your diet to help combat shedding.
4. Take care when washing your hair. Experts suggest that many people over-shampoo or shampoo incorrectly. The standard rules of thumb are:
Don’t wash your hair more than once a day.
Use only enough of the product to cover your hair.
Avoid using very hot or very cold water.
Treat hair gently when it’s wet — it’s three times more vulnerable to breakage.
Don’t rub wet hair excessively with a towel. Use a wide-tooth comb to detangle, but don’t comb too much or brush wet hair.
5. Massage your scalp – with regular scalp massage this can help to promote hair growth and increase blood circulation. It feels good too!
Get your hair cut regularly — every 10 to 12 weeks — to keep hair healthy and prevent split ends.
For more information visit here
Poppy Watt