Father’s Day – An Overview Over Its History – Father’s Day is celebrated on the third Sunday of June every year. This year Father’s Day in the UK falls on the 20th of June and will be celebrated by families across the country. Father’s Day has been a longstanding tradition for over a century – but most of us don’t know how the tradition started.
The first Father’s Day in America was celebrated on the 19th of June 1910 in Washington. Fifty-eight years later, President Woodrow Wilson made Mother’s Day a nationwide holiday. In Europe and Latin America, Father’s Day often occurs on St Joseph’s Day – which is a traditional Catholic holiday on the 19th of March.
Different parts of the world celebrate Father’s Day with their own tradition. In the UK, Father’s Day is typically celebrated with a card, a roast dinner and a few gifts with the family. Here is how different cultures celebrate their dads on Father’s Day.
Germany celebrates all men, not just father’s, on this day, and they do it with a lot of beer. You will find men drinking beer on Father’s Day across Germany and celebrating from dawn till dusk. Beer is engrained in German culture, from Oktoberfest to Stuttgart Beer Festival. In fact, the day after Father’s Day is also a public holiday, so beer-drinking fathers have time to recover before returning to their everyday life.
In Thailand, the Father’s Day tradition is less scandalous and more respectable. Fathers across the country receive canna flowers – which are visually similar to lilies but associated with masculinity. They are believed to be a sacred plant that protects anyone who encounters it. Everyone wears yellow on Father’s Day as well in Thailand.
Russia celebrates Father’s Day with a whole host of parades across the country. These parades often begin with a military commemoration as a tribute to all the men. Men receive gifts from their children and partners – similar to the UK and US Father’s Day traditions.
Of course, in Mexico, Father’s Day is a big celebration. They hold a race in Mexico City known as the Carrera del Dia del Padre. Fathers typically receive ties and small trinkets from their children and partners.
In Nepal, Father’s Day is a sentimental day filled with gifts. It is also tradition for daughters to put their foreheads to their father’s hands and sons to put their foreheads to their father’s feet. This is a symbol of gratitude and respect.
Father’s Day is a chance to thank your father, stepdad, or grandad for their role in your life. Make sure to give them a hug and say thank you for everything they have done for you. Remember, fathers often appreciate quality time with you over a physical gift.
Poppy Watt